Ru’ach: to breathe, to inspire


We come in on a breath. We leave on a breath. How are you breathing now? Are you holding your breath? Where do you feel the breath in your body? Do you know that you can go several weeks without food? And several days without water? And only several minutes without breathing? Do you know that every cell in your body breathes? Do you know that you can exercise your breath as much as you exercise your mind mentally and your body physically? Let your brain wrap around that. When I got bored in yoga class as a student, I would close my eyes and play with moving my breath to different parts of my body. You can focus your breath to a place in your body with pain and simply breath there. When we remember to consciously breathe; the mind becomes centered and still, the body relaxes and opens up to its own ability to self-heal and the breathe deepens, connecting you to your Whole Self.

just breathe
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  • Michal Curry

    Michal Curry

    MichaL is a Santa Fe-based Healing Touch Practitioner, yoga instructor and international teacher. She is a compassionate and creative healer and teacher, continually learning from her own Journey of conscious awareness. MichaL's healing work facilitates a deep sense of relaxation and safety so that the body can open to its own ability to Self-Heal on every level. MichaL teaches yoga classes at Santa Fe Soul Health and Healing Center along with a PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) clinic. Her yoga classes merge healing and yoga practices together creating a multi-level experience for growth towards Wholeness and Healing. "To be in the body is to be Present." MichaL co-teaches with Dr. Harvey Zarren, a Boston Cardiologist, the Heart of Wellness Course, both in the U.S. and internationally.

  • Classes and Workshops

    Weekly Classes:


    Gentle Yoga Chi - Monday 5:30-6:45
    PTSD Clinic - Thursday 3:00-5:00
    Wellness Yoga for Stress & PTSD
    Thursday 5:30-6:30

    Private Yoga Classes


    More Information on Classes and Workshops

    Heart of Wellness Course
    June 23-30, 2013
    Locanda del Gallo, Italy

    Gift Certificates

    MichaL Blog

  • Healing Work

  • Healing Touch International

    Healing Touch International
  • Recommended Reading

    110 Poems of Love & Revelation
    - edited by Roger Housden
    Anatomy of the Spirit
    - by Caroline Myss
    Holy Man
    - by Susan Trott
    Women who Run with the Wolves
    - by Clarissa Pinkola Estes
    - by Paulo Coelho
    Be Here Now
    - by Ram Dass
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